30 Deadly Everyday Things That People Are Not Aware Of.
Nathan Johnson
It would be a mistake to assume that there is nothing out there that can end you.
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Stress is a state when your body feels threatened and produce a hormone to defend yourself, which will typically boost your muscle and reduce to minimum other function, like digestion, your kidneys, and overall all organs that aren't involved in fighting off a bear. -
People are not nearly careful enough driving vehicles. You are operating a 2,000lb bullet, please stop texting and pay attention -
Balloons. Specifically kids. I was watching a video about how a lot of kids die from playing with balloons, you know how kids are all dramatic and breathe really hard in and out to blow them up? Sometimes they suck in so hard that they suck the balloon into their throat, lodging it in there. And cpr doesn't work once they stop breathing because you're just inflating and deflating the balloon in the throat and the air can't pass through. I don't even have kids but I've been telling everyone not to let their kids play with balloons since I learned this. I forget her name but she is a mortician who posts on Instagram about common things that can [end] you that you don't realize. -
Mixing cleaning supplies. Cleaners are usually dangerous chemicals, mixing certain chemicals can create dangerous gases. One of the common cleaner mistakes people make is dish soap and bleach, a lot of dish soaps have ammonia in them, and you don’t want to be around the gas that ammonia and chlorine make. Also, don’t clean your kitty litters with bleach, use chlorine-free disinfectants instead. Cat pee naturally has ammonia in it and can cause a reaction too. -
Pregnancy and childbirth... it's literally one of the most dangerous things women can do in their lifetime. -
In Australia, the Blue Ringed Octopus. I did a biology project about these when I was in elementary school. -
Falls, slips, hitting your head on a vanity, or bathroom fixture. Tried to rescue some poor old soul who slipped in the shower and got impaled through the eye by a toilet brush. Must have been there over a week the blood was more like tar on the floor and flies were in and out of his ears and mouth. -
A toxic work environment. Can cause depression and anxiety which many sufferers will not realize at the time. Stress overall destroys the body in so many ways. -
Don’t bleach your cat’s litter box. The ammonia from their pee plus bleach breaks the Geneva convention. -
Poor dental hygiene and gum infections hit the brain fairly quickly and can be fatal before you even knew something was happening. -
Areas with rust and no ventilation. The oxidation pulls the oxygen out of the air. Upon entering, you'll pass out after just a few seconds, and you'll be dead in minutes. -
Rocking the vending machine because your Kit-Kat bar got stuck. -
Potatoes. They release toxic chemicals when they go bad. People have died from this. -
Hippos. Apparently, they [end] about 500 people a year - more than double the headcount for lions? -
Carbon Monoxide is something everyone knows about but everyone also seems to forget about. -
Garage door springs. Also, garage doors are not as light as people think. They weigh hundreds or thousands of pounds depending on the type and size of a door and all that weight is counterbalanced by tension on those springs. If you don't know what you are doing do not attempt to repair a garage door. -
Fermentation in confined spaces. Fermentation releases Co2 and in a poorly ventilated room, it can be fatal. -
Not knowing, how to swim. I've heard a lot of kids in America can't or don't want to learn, how to swim. It is a very simple skill that could save your life, and you would very rarely need to swim more than 10 meters to get out of trouble. -
Manure. When it is collected in a poorly ventilated space and you climb down there for any reason, you can pass out from lack of air. If someone notices this and instead of calling for help, they just follow you, there can be more than one fatality. -
Taking selfies. Several die each year in my area from selfies on rock ledges in the mountains. -
Bites from the wrong flea/mosquito/tick have been decimating mankind since forever. -
Once read about someone who died when they had the flu - they were medicating with over-the-counter cold and flu medicine and drinking multiple cups of lemsip, one after the other, not realizing lemsip also contained painkillers. they died of an overdose, iirc. -
* Pinched electrical wires - having, for example, a table leg or something on top of a wire creates a hot spot that can eventually start a fire -
Alcohol. Not only does it cause all the problems you already know about, but **less than half of the population are aware that alcohol has been proven to cause cancer**. The amount of people who know this of course varies depending on the demographic - a few years ago in the UK this number was actually only around 10%. -
Elderberries are poisonous until you boil them. My mom works at a school where a teacher let some kids eat them because she didn’t know they were poisonous. Red puke everywhere. I also had a friend post a picture on Facebook of her son eating them. -
High blood pressure -
Sugar. -
Coconuts, [end] around 150 people every year from them falling onto people's heads! -
Don't plug your space heater into an extension cord. -
Fights. Humans are squishy unless they aren't. Somehow we have evolved to either have the durability of a bouncy ball or a glass bauble and its a coin flip on whether you bounce or shatter.
- 30 Deadly Everyday Things That People Are Not Aware Of.
- 17 Times When Creations Shouldn't Pass Inspection
Stress is a state when your body feels threatened and produce a hormone to defend yourself, which will typically boost your muscle and reduce to minimum other function, like digestion, your kidneys, and overall all organs that aren't involved in fighting off a bear.